Wireless network comes into the human being everywhere, bringing the living much more easier and convenient.
Machine to machine (M2M ) refers to the wireless communication between devices or machines. Wireless M2M contains technology of WiFi, Wimax, Cellular, Radio, others.
These “intelligent” devices, equipped with embedded technologies, communicate with each other and with enterprise systems to provide continuous, detailed, real-time insight into our physical world. Nearly any machine can be M2M enabled. Examples include industrial equipment, live video surveillance, vehicles, medical devices, home appliances, toys and mobile phones.
Helping companies work smarter and more profitably, E-Lins can quickly and cost effectively enable businesses to launch and scale mobile solutions. E-Lins combines deep industry expertise with cross-industry mobile experience to bring our clients a flexible, dynamic enabling platform along with a portfolio of ready-to-launch, industry-specific applications. As a managed service, E-Lins enables rapid deployment of scalable M2M solutions helping our clients to grow revenue, reduce costs, differentiate from competitors and strengthen customer relationships.
E-Lins produce and develop the various kinds of wireless device for wireless M2M . Remote devices are connected with wireless data transmitter, transmit and receive the data via the wireless internet.
Originated by zouyanbing from Wireless & Cellular Modem/Router/AP Device